With over 15 years of training, our team is constantly striving to bring our customers the very best in wig quality and comfort. By eliminating a middle man and creating our products entirely in house, we enable our customers to purchase a superior product, at a wholesale price. Each wig we sell, is hand sewn, specially crafted for you.  We personally select the hair for each of our wigs and exclusively use 100% virgin  hair, the finest quality available. From start to finish, Orna Wigs delivers a superior product with unparalleled customer service and a commitment to making YOU happy .

What Makes Our Wigs So Special?

At Orna Wigs we carefully select the hair for our wigs, ensuring that each wig is perfect and custom tailored to it's wearer. We refer to our high quality hair as "virgin hair", meaning It has not been dyed or treated and it gives each wig soft, silky, and natural features.The physical structure of European hair  is flatter, smoother, and softer, which is what makes it the most coveted hair available for wig creations.The skin part tops that we use for our wigs are multi-directional, enabling you to part your wig in any direction, and change  as you please. 

Most importantly, we value Customer Service and Satisfaction.           

For questions or concerns feel free to contact us!